2010 Internet Movie Poster Awards - Creepiest Nominees
Black Swan
It's no simple feat to take someone as beautiful (and utterly adorable) as Natalie Portman and turn her into the creepy being before us with her expressionless face and soulless eyes. Is she ready for her next performance or is she lying on a morgue slab?
The Crazies
Nothing like a bloody pitchfork to ruin an otherwise perfect day. A very subtle but disturbing design. We don't know exactly what's going on but we know we don't want to be there.
The Human Centipede
If we were actually shown this "creature" in all its grotesque glory it wouldn't be nearly as disturbing as this design which only gives us a vague idea of it, which is already likely more than we ever want to see.
Let Me In
Nothing like a blood trail to ruin an otherwise idyllic scene. Does a great job of corrupting a symbol of childhood innocence.
Here's a case where showing the creature on the poster really does work because it is such a disturbing looking creature presented in such a straightforward manner. It also helps that Dren appears to be staring right at us with her peculiar eye.